1. Parties to the Agreement.
The Agreement is concluded between the Internet service for the exchange of title signs, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, - on the one hand, and the Customer, represented by the one who used the services of the Contractor, - on the other hand.
2. List of Terms.
2.1 Title exchange - is an automated product of the Internet service which is provided by the Executor on the basis of these rules.
2.2 Customer - a natural person who agrees with the terms and conditions of the Contractor and this agreement to which he joins.
2.3 Title Deed - the conventional unit of this or that payment system, which corresponds to the calculations of electronic systems and indicates the amount of rights corresponding to the agreement of the electronic payment system and its Customer.
2.4 Application - information given by the Customer to use the Executor's funds electronically, which indicates that the Customer accepts the terms and conditions of the service that the Executor offers in the application.
3. Terms of Agreement.
These rules are considered to be arranged due to the terms of public offer which is formed at the time of Client's application and is one of the main components of this agreement. The Public Offer is the information displayed by the Applicant on the conditions of submission of an application. The main component of the public offer are actions taken at the end of the application by the Customer and indicating his exact intentions to make a deal on the conditions proposed by the Contractor before the completion of this application. Time, date, and parameters of the bid are created automatically by Executor at the moment of completion of this bid. The offer shall be accepted by the Customer within 24 hours from the end of bid formation. The service contract shall come into force at the moment of receipt of title units in the full amount specified in the application from the Customer to the Contractor's details. Transactions with title units shall be accounted according to the rules, regulations and format of electronic settlement systems. The Agreement shall be valid for the period which is set from the date of application till termination on the initiative of one of the parties.
4. Subject of the agreement.
Through the use of technical methods the Contractor undertakes to carry out the exchange of title units for a commission from the Customer, after the application filed by this person and performs it by selling title units to persons wishing to purchase them for an amount not lower than the amount indicated in the application filed by the Customer. The Contractor undertakes to transfer the funds to the details specified by the Customer. If any profit is made during the exchange, it will remain on the Provider's account as an additional benefit and premium for the commission services.
5. In addition.
5.1 If the amount received on the Executor's account differs from the amount specified in the application by more than 50% of the exchange amount, the Executor shall terminate the contract unilaterally and all funds shall be returned to the Customer's account details, taking into account the amount deducted for commission expenses during the transfer.
5.2 The exchange is made from 3 confirmations of the transaction in the network. In the direction of the ETC exchange From the full crediting of funds to our purse If the cryptocurrency rate changes by more than 0.3% at the time of arrival of the currency to our purse, the final value can be recalculated.
5.3 In case the title units are not sent by the Executor to the specified details of the Customer within 24 hours, the Customer has the full right to request the termination of the agreement and cancel his application, thus making the return of title units to his account in full. An application for termination of the agreement and return of the title units shall be executed by the Contractor if the funds have not yet been transferred to the specified details of the Customer. In case of cancellation of the agreement, the return of e-currency is performed within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of the request for termination of the agreement. If delays of return are not the fault of the Executor, he is not responsible for them.
5.4 If the amount is received on the Executor's account without the created application, the Executor shall terminate the contract unilaterally and all funds shall be returned to the Customer's requisites with the deducted amount for the commission expenses during the transfer. After 30 calendar days, the funds shall go into full use of the exchange service.
5.5 If title signs are not received from the Customer to the Contractor's account within the specified period, from the moment of the Customer's application, the agreement between the parties is terminated by the Contractor on the one hand, as the contract does not come into effect. The Customer may not be notified of this. If the title signs are received on the Contractor's details after the specified deadline, such funds shall be transferred back to the Customer's account, and all commission costs associated with the transfer shall be deducted from these funds.
5.6 If there is a delay in funds transfer to the details specified by the Customer due to the fault of the settlement system, the Executor shall not be liable for damages arising as a result of long receipt of funds. In this case the Customer shall agree that all the claims will be brought against the settlement system, and the Executor shall render its assistance to the best of its ability within the law.
5.7 If it is detected that communication flows are tampered or influenced in order to degrade the Executor, namely its program code, the application is suspended and transferred funds are subject to recalculation in accordance with the agreement in force. If the Customer does not agree with the recalculation, he has the full right to terminate the contract and the title signs will be sent to the details specified by the Customer.
5.8. In case of using the services of the Executor, the Customer fully agrees that the Executor has the limited liability corresponding to the framework of these rules of the received title units and gives no additional guarantees to the Customer and bears no additional liability to him. Accordingly, the Customer shall not be further liable to the Contractor.
5.9 The Customer undertakes not to tamper with the communication streams and not to create obstacles for normal functioning of the software code of the Contractor.
5.10. The Executor shall not be liable for the damage and consequences in case of incorrect transfer of the electronic currency in the case if the Client has provided incorrect requisites when submitting the application.
6. Warranty period
The Executor gives the warranty for the provided services within 24 hours from the moment of execution of the title units exchange, unless other terms are stipulated.
7. Contingencies.
If during the processing of the Customer's application unforeseen circumstances arise that contribute to the non-fulfillment of the contract by the Executor, the terms of execution of the application shall be postponed by the corresponding duration of the force majeure. The Contractor shall not be liable for overdue obligations.
8. Form of Agreement.
This agreement is accepted by both parties, the Contractor and the Customer, as an equal in legal force agreement in written form.
9 Claims and Disputes.
A complaint under this agreement shall be accepted by the Contractor in the form of an email, in which the Customer specifies the nature of the claim. This letter shall be sent to the Executor's details indicated on the website.